TDS and TCS Rate Chart 2024

Home / TDS and TCS Rate Chart 2024

TDS RATE CHART FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.TDS Rate (%)
192Salaries-Slab RateSlab Rate
192APremature withdrawal from EPF5000010-
193Interest on Securities100001010
194AInterest (Banks)400001010
194AInterest - Senior Citizen (Banks)5000010-
194AInterest (Others)50001010
194BWinning from Lotteries100003030
194BAWinnings from online games-3030
194BBWinning from Horse Race100003030
194CContractor - Single Transaction3000012
194CContractor - During the F.Y.1 Lakh12
194CTransporter (44AE) declaration with PAN---
194DInsurance Commission (15G - 15H allowed)15000510
194DAPayment received - Life insurance Policy1 Lakh
From : 01/10/202422
Upto : 30/09/202455
194EEPayment received - National Savings Scheme (NSS)25001010
194FRepurchase Units by MFs (Upto 30/09/2024 - 20% TDS)---
194GCommission - Lottery15000
From : 01/10/202422
Upto : 30/09/202455
194HCommission / Brokerage15000
From : 01/10/202422
Upto : 30/09/202455
194I(a)Rent for Plant & Machinery2.40 Lakh22
194I(b)Rent for Land, Building & Furniture2.40 Lakh1010
TDS RATE CHART FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.TDS Rate (%)
194IATransfer of certain immovable property other than agriculture land50 Lakh11
194IBRent payment by individual / HUF not covered u/s 194I From : 01/10/2024
Upto : 30/09/2024
50000 P. M.2
194ICPayment under specified Joint Development Agreement-1010
194J(a)Fees - Technical Services, Call Centre, Royalty, Distribution / Exhibition of Cinematographic Films, etc.3000022
194J(b)Fees - All other Professional Services300001010
194KPayment of dividend by mutual Funds50001010
194LACompensation on transfer of certain immovable property other than agricultural land2.50 Lakh1010
194LBIncome by way of interest from infrastructure debt fund (non-resident)-55
194LBACertain income from units of a business trust (applicable from 01.10.2014)-1010
194LBBIncome in respect of investment of investment fund-10% for residents, 30% for non-residents10% for residents, 40% for non-residents
194LBCIncome in respect of investment in securitization trust-30% for residents, 40% for
non-residents, 25% for individual & HUF
residents, 40% for
non-residents, 25% for individual & HUF
194LDInterest on certain bonds and Govt. Securities (from 01.06.2013)-55
194MPayment made for Contracts, Brokerage or Professional Fees by individual & HUF (other than Section 194C, 194H & 194J) From : 01/10/2024
Upto : 30/09/2024
50 Lakh2
194NCash withdrawal in excess of 1 crore during the previous year from1 or more account with a bank or co-operative society (wef 01.09.2019)1 Crore (Rs. 3 Crores if withdrawl is by Co-operative society)
20 Lakhs (If ITR not filed for previous 3 years)
(Rs. 20 Lakh - 1 Crore)
(Rs. 1 Crore and above)
TDS RATE CHART FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.TDS Rate (%)
194OTDS on e-commerce participants5 Lakh
From : 01/10/20240.10.1
Upto : 30/09/202411
194PTDS in case of Specified Senior Citizen (above 75 years) having Salary & Interest (ITR not required)-Slab RateNA
194QTDS on Purchase of Goods exceeding Rs. 50 Lakhs (Applicable From 01-July-2021)In Excess of Rs. 50 Lakhs0.10.1
194RBenefits or perquisites of business or profession200001010
194SPayment of consideration for transfer of virtual digital asset by persons other than specified persons1000011
194SPayment of consideration for transfer of virtual digital asset by specified persons5000011
Note: TDS Rates without PAN – 20% flat (if TDS is lower than 20%)
TDS RATE CHART (FOREIGN) FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.TDS Rate (%)
192APayment against EPF Scheme300001010
194ENon-resident Sportsman or Sports Assn-2020
194LBInterest from infrastr. debt fund payable to non-resident-55
194LBACertain income from units of a business trust-55
194LBA(a)Income referred to in section 10(23FC)(a) from units of a business trust-55
194LBA(b)Income referred to in section 10(23FC)(b) from units of a business trust-1010
194LBA(c)Income referred to in section 10(23FCA) from units of a business trust-3030
194LBBIncome on units of Investment Fund-3040
194LBCIncome in respect of investment in securitization trust-3040
194LC *Interest from specified company payable to non-resident-55
194LDInterest on certain bonds and govt securities-55
194NPayment of certain amounts in cash-22
194NFPayment of certain amounts in cash to non-filers-11
195Payment of any other sum to a Non-resident-
a) Income in respect of investment made by a Non-resident
Indian Citizen
b) Income by way of long-term capital gains referred to in Section
115E in case of a Non-resident Indian Citizen
c) Income by way of long-term capital gains referred to in
sub-clause (iii) of clause (c) of sub-Section (1) of Section 112
d) Income by way of long-term capital gains as referred to in
Section 112A
e) Income by way of short-term capital gains referred to in
Section 111A
f ) Any other income by way of long-term capital gains [not being
long-term capital gains referred to in clauses 10(33), 10(36)
and 112A
g) Income by way of interest payable by Government or an Indian
concern on moneys borrowed or debt incurred by Government or
the Indian concern in foreign currency (not being income by way
of interest referred to in Section 194LB or Section 194LC)
TDS RATE CHART (FOREIGN) FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.TDS Rate (%)
195h) Income by way of royalty payable by Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern where such royalty is in consideration for the transfer of all or any rights (including the granting of a license) in respect of copyright in any book on a subject referred to in the first proviso to sub-section (1A) of Section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to the Indian concern, or in respect of any computer software referred to in the second proviso to sub-section (1A) of Section 115A of the Income-tax Act, to a person resident in India
i) Income by way of royalty [not being royalty of the nature referred to point h) above] payable by Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern and where such agreement is with an Indian concern, the agreement is approved by the Central Government or where it relates to a matter included in the industrial policy, for the time being in force, of the Government of India, the agreement is in accordance with that policy
j) Income by way of fees for technical services payable by Government or an Indian concern in pursuance of an agreement made by it with the Government or the Indian concern and where such agreement is with an Indian concern, the agreement is approved by the Central Government or where it relates to a matter included in the industrial policy, for the time being in force, of the Government of India, the agreement is in accordance with that policy
k) Any other income
196AForeign Company being unit holder in Mutual Fund-2020
196BUnits held by Off-shore Fund-1010
196CIncome from Foreign Currency Bonds-1010
196DIncome of FII on Securities-2020
196DAIncome of specified fund from securities-1010
Note: TDS Rates without PAN – 20% flat (if TDS is lower than 20%)
TCS RATE CHART FY: 2024-25 (AY: 2025-26)
Collection Codes under section 206C
CodeNature of PaymentTCS Rate (%)
AAlcoholic Liquor for human consumption & Tendu leaves1
BTimber obtained under a forest lease or other mode2.5
CTimber obtained under any other mode other than forest lease2.5
DAny other forest produce not being a timber or tendu leaves2.5
FParking Lot2
GToll Plaza2
HMining and Quarring2
ITendu Leaves5
KBullion & Jewellery1
LSale of Motor Vehicle (From 01/01/2025, more luxury items may be notified in addition to Motor Car)1
MSale in cash of any goods (other than bullion)1
NProviding of any service (other than Ch-XVII-B)1
OTour Program Package5
PLRS - Educational Loan - Financial Institution0.5
QLRS - Other purposes - Liberalized Remittance Scheme5
RSale of Goods0.1
TLRS – Education or Medical Treatment not covered under Code P5
Note: TCS Rates without PAN – Double of TCS rate as above or 5%, whichever is higher
TDS RATE CHART FY: 2023-24 (AY: 2024-25)
SectionNature of PaymentThresholdIndv / HUFOthers
Rs.Existing TDS Rate (%)
194NFPayment of certain amounts in cash to non-filers1 Crore55
194SPayment of consideration for transfer of virtual digital asset by persons other than specified persons1000011
194SPPayment for transfer of virtual digital asset where payment is in kind or in exchange of another virtual digital asset and tax required to be deducted is paid before such payment is released1000011
Note: TDS Rates without PAN – 20% flat (if TDS is lower than 20%)